Upcoming Tékumel Miniatures Release

Upcoming Tékumel Miniatures Release

We are prepping for the Q4 release of the new range of digital miniatures (STL files and print-on-demand miniatures) from Great Hall Games. We have the following ready to go:

  • Armored Pé Chói - two poses of armored Pé Chói with two swords, javelin and shield. These are suitable for use as medium Tsolyáni or Mu'ugalanyáni legions, or adventurers. 
  • Armored Pé Chói Command - officer, musician and standard bearer with Tsolyani style standard.
  • Unarmored Pé Chói - two poses of naked Pé Chói with two swords, javelin, and shield. These are suitable as Tsolyáni light legions, or "wild" Pé Chói.
  • Omnipotent Azure Legion Spearmen - two poses of soldiers of the OAL (standing guard and advancing). They have separate shields and spears.
  • Omnipotent Azure Legion Archer - one pose of a bow equipped spearman shooting. Separate spear and shield included.
  • Omnipotent Azure Legion Command - Officer and musician along with a standard. Standard can be used with spearman.
  • Mu'ugalavyani Crossbowmen - two poses of crossbowmen in cookpot helmets and pavis.
  • Mu'ugalavyani Command - officer and standard bearer.
  • Unarmored Ahoggyá - one pose but with several different arms, with various weapons and several with open hands. 
  • Armored Ahoggyá -  one pose but with several different arms, with various weapons and several with open hands.
  • Armored Shén Pikemen - two poses of armored pikemen representing the Gá-Hr "Valorous of Chrí."
  • Armored Shén Command - officer, standard bearer, and musician  representing the Gá-Hr "Valorous of Chrí."
  • Unarmored Shén - two poses wearing baldrics with swordaxe and shield.
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